Monday 27 April 2009

My Rugby Presentation

Above is my presentation on Rugby. Unfortunately it may not make much sense when looked at on its own as I have no script to accompany it.

Overall I was very pleased with how my speech went. I think I spoke without too much hesitation or repetition. I think my timing with the slides was quite good, however I think had I practised a bit more it could have been better. I think I should have put more pictures in the presentation as it was mainly text, although I thought I did quite well in not putting too much text on the board and not reading from the board or burying my head in a script. After listening to everyone else's talks I feel I could have maybe used slightly more imaginative language and maybe gone into a bit more detail about the actual rules of rugby and given my opinion on certain aspects of the game, e.g. the best players. I really enjoyed making the Pecha Kucha presentation and look forward to using the skills I learned in making the presentation in other subjects.

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